Thursday, February 16, 2017

The Commercial Space Industry

Is Commercial Space Tourism a viable industry? Please answer the following questions:

1) Historical background: When did the idea of "space tourism" begin? How has it developed? What have been the hurdles and accomplishments? Start in the 1960's - present day.

The idea of ‘space tourism’ and commercial spaceflight began on April 28, 2001, with American businessman Dennis Tito. Dennis Tito became the first space tourist as he utilized his monetary resources to buy a seat on a Russian Soyuz spacecraft (Wall 2011). Dennis Tito initially signed a contract in June 2000, with MirCorp to acquire a ride on a Russian spacecraft to their Mir Space Station, however his initial plan failed due to Russia decommissioning the old space station (which burned up in the atmosphere 1 year later) (Wall 2011). Consequently, Dennis Tito signed a contract with Space Adventures to facilitate his goal of venturing into space as a tourist. Against strong recommendations from other aeronautical space organizations, primarily NASA, Russia accepted Tito’s offer, which did not sit well with the other organizations. NASA and the other space organizations that opposed Tito’s mission did everything in their legal power to prevent him from venturing into space, however their efforts were to no avail. Despite his age, Dennis Tito completed the necessary physical training and passed the required medical examination outside of Moscow, Russia, to qualify for the space flight. Tito launched into orbit on April 28, 2001, spent six days aboard the space station, and landed safely in Kazakhstan on May 6, 2001 (Wall 2011). Albeit Dennis Tito faced much adversity from notable space organizations (e.g. NASA) and spent approximately $20 million to attain a seat aboard the Russian spacecraft, he continually pursued and accomplished his goal. Thereby, Dennis Tito demonstrated the commercial space industry was potentially viable for private citizens and other wealthy individuals, ergo giving birth to the idea of ‘space tourism’ single-handedly.

‘Space Tourism’ has developed in a significant manner since its initial inception/creation by Dennis Tito in 2001; back when Dennis Tito first ventured into space as a tourist, it was viewed as an exclusive privilege only to those who had possessed a ‘millionaire’ status. However, because the newfound industry has been deemed viable and several companies have embarked on servicing individuals interested in ‘space tourism’, it has allowed for the development of other forms of ‘space tourism’. For instance, the development of the industry has resulted in both orbital and suborbital services being offered to tourist interested in commercial space (Dinerman 2015). Additionally, suborbital rocket flight (starting in 2016) is another facet of the industry that is making headway as it offers the same characteristics of a space flight, rather in a different form (and possibly at a cheaper cost). Furthermore, companies such as Virgin Galactic and Xcor Aerospace have taken to the commercial space industry, becoming competitors within the market in terms of building and launching spacecraft that will provide paying passengers with several minutes of weightlessness and a ‘bird’s eye view’ of the earth (Dinerman 2015). If this ‘co-evolution’ between the two companies continues, then they will potentially develop the technology needed to increase their launch limit from once per day to twice per day (and so on). This also makes the possibility of multiple aircraft launching at one time and/or multiple times per day a reality even if it is 10 to 15 years in the future.

One of the biggest hurdles for anything within the aviation industry and/or the FAA is safety, and the concept of ‘space tourism’ is no exception to this notion. Obviously, when conducting operations that include launching ordinary civilians into space there are several innate risks imposed upon both the passengers and the non-participating general public beneath them. Ensuring the safety of the non-participating public as well as making sure the passengers embarking on these ‘space flights’ has been a major hurdle for the companies conducting these commercial space flights. According to Antczak (2004), the primary concerns of governing authorities regulating ‘space tourism’ (i.e. the FAA) is maximizing the safety of the uninvolved public and ensuring the space tourist truly understand all the risks associated with commercial space travel (e.g. adverse effects of G-forces). To mitigate the adverse effect G-forces have on the average civilian, the FAA conducted various studies evaluating how said forces will affect the human physiologically to derive an approximate medical fitness passengers will need to have to qualify for commercial space flight (Antczak 2004). Furthermore, extensive medical questionnaires have been created by said companies (that presumably require a sign-off from the primary physician) to be given to potential passengers to assess their health, ensure they understand any and all risks involved, and make an informed decision (i.e. give consent) to participate.

The perception of safety, or lack thereof, from the public’s perspective is yet another hurdle the commercial space industry has been forced to endure and overcome. Aside from maximizing the safety of the passengers and non-participating public, the commercial space operators must also ensure their crew (and spacecraft) are knowledgeable in addition to performing safe practices/procedures. The crash of the first SpaceShipTwo (SS2) spacecraft operated by Virgin Galactic in October 2014, created an enormous safety hurdle for commercial space operators, especially since the accident was determined to be caused by pilot error. The accident occurred near Mojave, CA, and killed one crewmember while severely injuring the other; the NTSB determined the co-pilot activated the spacecraft’s ‘feathering’ mechanism too soon, proximately causing the crash (Dinerman 2015). Any aviation related crash will cause a declined perception of safety amongst the public, especially those who do not use and/or are familiar with aviation. However, the fact this crash and the subsequent death of a crewmember occurred within a relatively new and extremely high-risk (and unheard of) industry, the safety hurdle created was significantly magnified. Consequently, the general public and potential passengers were severely unnerved (as expected), which means commercial space operators have to work much harder to not only increase the safety of their operation, but to also earn back the consumer trust that was lost.

There were several significant and extremely noteworthy accomplishments pertaining to the notion of commercial space flight, the earliest of which date back to the 1960s/70s. The first human in space was Yuri Gagarin, who was from Russia and orbited the Earth for 108 minutes on April 12, 1961, via the Vostok 1 capsule. This however, was not the first space-related accomplishment for the Soviet Union (during the Cold War Era), as they were also the first country to send an artificial satellite in space, namely the Sputnik 1, in October 1957 (Wall 2011). The United Stated accomplished a tremendous feat on their own when they launched Alan Shppeard into space via the Freedom 7 spacecraft on May 5, 1961. Alan Sheppard’s successful launch and orbit in space (which lasted for approximately 15 minutes) made him the second human in space. Experts say that albeit Sheppard’s flight was much shorter than Gagarin’s, his was more efficient because Sheppard (manually) controlled the spacefcraft rather than allowing it to be automated like Gagarin’s flight. The first woman in space was also from the Soviet Union; Valentina Tereshkova launched into space via the Vostok 6 spacecraft, completed 48 orbits of Earth, stayed in space for almost three days, and made history on June 16, 1963, which was yet another major accomplishment of the (potential) commercial space industry (during its infancy) (Wall 2011). Alexey Leonov, who was from the Soviet Union, conducted the first ever spacewalk on March 18, 1965, which lasted for 12 minutes. 3 years later, the United States experienced another accomplishment when the Apollo 8 spacecraft circled the moon on Dec. 21, 1968, after making 1.5 orbits around the Earth (Wall 2011). Perhaps one the most notable accomplishments was the Apollo 11 space mission, occurring on July 20, 1969, where NASA astronauts Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin stepped foot on the moon. The first space station was launched by the Soviet Union on April 19, 1971; although the space station did not last in outer space long (approximately 6 months), the feat was accomplished and the idea of sustaining life in outer space (aboard a station) was now a possibility (Wall 2011).

As science and technology advanced, so did the complexity of NASA’s space missions; on April 12, 1981, the Columbia space shuttle conducted its maiden flight becoming the first reusable spaceship. This set the tone for NASA’s future in regards to their spaceflight program, types of missions to be conducted, and their means to safely transport astronauts to and from outer space (Wall 2011). As previously mentioned, the Soviet Union’s first space station created the idea that life in outer space was sustainable if the proper facility was established. With that in mind, the United States with help from the Russian, Canadian, European, and Japanese space agencies built the International Space Station (ISS) at a cost of $100 billion. History was then made on November 2, 2000, when the ISS was boarded by three astronauts who stayed/lived aboard the station for more than 120 days (Wall 2011).

As mentioned earlier, present day commercial space tourism has developed in quite an exponential fashion, primarily due to private operators. The company that truly ‘lifted’ the idea of space tourism and made it a reality with present day technology is known as Scaled Composites, led by the famous aerospace engineer Burt Rutan. He and his team built the SpaceShipOne and launched it into suborbital space, twice, in a matter of five days in the fall of 2004 (Wall 2011). This notable accomplishment not only won them a $10 million prize, but their innovative spacecraft design laid the framework for the creation of the SpaceShipTwo (SS2), which would later become used in Virgin Galactic’s space tourism operations. With the essential schematics for the SS2 spacecraft in mind, Virgin Galactic set their sights on the business potential space tourism had to offer, which lead to the establishment of ticket prices at $200,000/seat for the inexplicable experience of ‘weightless enjoyment’ (with hopes to start rides in 2012). Further developing and enhancing the reality of commercial space tourism was Space Exploration Technologies (SpaceX). On December 8, 2010, SpaceX made history by becoming the first private company/operator to launch a spacecraft into orbit and successfully recover it after re-entry (Wall 2011). To conduct this launch, they utilized their Dragon capsule spacecraft and attached it to a Flacon 9 rocket. This phenomenal feat accomplished by SpaceX set the tone for future commercial space escapades (and potential passenger flights) by showing governing officials and other opposing forces/bodies that commercial space flight can and will be done sooner, rather than later.

2) Give a brief summary of the rules and regulations that currently govern the commercial space industry. When and why were they developed? Start with the first rules developed in the 1980s. Do you feel that they are appropriate or that the need to be more or less restrictive?

The first rules that governed the commercial space industry were created in 1984 by the Commercial Space Launch Act, which authorized the Department of Transportation (DOT) and subsequently, the FAA, to oversee, authorize, and regulate the office of Commercial Space Transportation (AST). Consequently, the FAA was now responsible for the regulation of both launches and reentries of launch and reentry vehicles in addition to the operation of launch and reentry sites operating by U.S. citizens and/or within the U.S. (Federal Aviation Administration [FAA], 2016). Furthermore, the act granted the FAA the right to exercise their responsibility consistent with public health (i.e. of passengers and the non-participating public), safety of property, and national security. Essentially, this act granted the FAA the power to govern and establish additional, more restrictive regulations over the commercial space sector to ensure safety of those involved.

The current rules and regulations that govern the commercial space industry outline the human space flight requirements for the crew and paying passengers. According to the FAA (2016), the current regulations aim to maximize and ensure the safety of the non-participating public and implement measures to enable passengers to make informed decisions regarding their personal health and safety prior to embarking on a commercial space flight. This assurance of informed decision-making will potentially be facilitated in the form of extensive health/safety questionnaires that assess various aspects of the passenger’s health. The forms will also explain the adverse affects suborbital travel can have on their body (along with other innate risk), and explain how they can be disqualified at the first sign of medical trouble. The purpose of this is to influence the making of an informed decision on their behalf. The regulations also require the launch vehicle operators to provide certain safety-related info, identify what an operator must do to conduct a licensed launch with a (human) passenger aboard, and require the operator to inform the passengers of the innate risks pertaining to space travel (as mentioned previously) (FAA 2016). Furthermore, the regulations require that all space flight participants undergo and successfully complete training and general security briefings prior to their flight as means to ensure passengers are cognizant of the commercial space protocol. The current regulations also explain the pilot/crew requirements, which state pilots must least hold a pilot certificate with an instrument rating (military experience is preferred) and possess a current 2nd class medical certificate. The crew and/or operator must verify the integrated performance of the space vehicle’s hardware and any software within the operational environment prior to any passenger being permitted to board the spacecraft. The verification process includes flight-testing of the hard- and software in addition to other diagnostic evaluations (FAA 2016).

The regulations that initially governed commercial space transportation were originally developed in 1984, but as science and technology advanced, amendments to the regulations needed to be made, ergo the more recent regulations implemented in 2016. The current regulations were developed to provide structure, organization, and most importantly, safety, to an industry that was dynamic, new, and previously unheard of (thus there were no akin regulations already in place). To get ahead of the curve, the FAA and other governing bodies recognized that commercial space transportation (and space tourism) was a viable industry that would amass popularity and interest as technology advanced. Therefore, since they were bestowed with the governing responsibility of regulating such an industry, they were obligated to create all-encompassing regulations that were fair, thorough, and maximized the safety of the crew, passengers, and the uninvolved public.

I feel as if the current regulations governing commercial space transportation are appropriate because they adequately cover all aspects of the industry, especially the safety of those participating and those that are uninvolved. I believe the proactive push by the FAA in making private commercial operators implement training programs for their passengers will not only increase safety aboard the flight, but will also mitigate certain innate risk the passengers assume since they are more knowledgeable of the proper procedures (and of the spacecraft/operation itself). I also feel the stipulation within the current regulations that emphasizes informed consent of the passengers is adequately appropriate, and not to mention, vital to their safety and that of the operation and industry. By thoroughly explaining all the risks associated with commercial space travel and providing an extensive self-assessment of one’s health, the FAA has enhanced a positive safety culture within this sector by making sure passengers know what they are subjecting themselves (and their bodies) to prior to travel. The aspect of the regulations I feel and have seen most people having an issue with are the crew requirements. Some feel that only possessing an instrument rating and second class medical are not enough, rather space pilots should possess at least a commercial certificate, have extensive military piloting experience, and over 2,500 hours. Although increasing the pilot requirements would (theoretically) increase safety by attracting more experienced pilots, too much restriction is not necessarily a good thing. Implementing too restrictive of regulations diminishes the number of qualified individuals, which results in less operators conducting missions, potential over-working of the current crew (i.e. fatigue), and possible loss of viability of the industry. Thus, I feel the current regulations in place are a ‘happy-medium’ as they adequately address all aspects of the commercial space industry.

3) Where do you see space tourism headed and in what time frame? I.e., do you think it will be accessible to the general public, not unlike the commercial airline industry? Do you think it will develop into a means of transportation or do you think that it will perpetually exists as a one-time, bucket list adventure? Why?

I see space tourism headed in a positive direction in an expeditious fashion; meaning, I feel as if the commercial space industry stays on the course it is now, then space tourism will shift from a ‘wealthy exclusive’ privilege to an opportunity even middle-class people can seize (i.e. accessible to the general public). While space tourism is still in its infancy, more or less, I only foresee those who are extremely wealthy (i.e. millionaire status) being able to afford commercial space travel. I say this because commercial space operators are still working out all the ‘kinks’ stemming from their operations and the FAA is still amending/creating regulations that will ensure the safety of those involved. Technology and safety are two things that are very expensive and take time to implement; thus, the only way for these (private) commercial space operators to thrive long enough to provide flight opportunities for all is to charge an astronomical amount of money for a space ticket, of which only the independently wealthy population can afford. Therefore, in 10-15 years, once space tourism and the commercial space industry has solidified itself in aviation permanently, I believe space tourism will be more financially accessible to a greater majority of citizens.

I do not foresee commercial space travel transpiring into a viable means of transportation primarily because of the strenuous health/safety regulations required for passengers to be eligible for a flight and the significant cost of a seat. Frequent flyers that fly commercially already feel as if the TSA policies and procedures are ‘too much’ and ‘unnecessary’ whenever they encounter a delay at the security lines. Although TSA can be an inconvenience, the fact passengers view the ‘assurance of safety practices’ as too much makes it hard for me to believe they would be accepting of the extensive commercial space flight health requirements, assessments, and subsequent (physiological) training. According to Carrington (2013), the cost to purchase one seat on a Virgin Galactic flight is $250,000; this includes other amenities such as training, lodging, etc., but in order for this to be converted into a viable means of transportation, it would still cost an astronomical amount of money. Thus, even if the cost was lowered to $10,000, I highly doubt consumers (aside from those who are independently wealthy) would pay that large sum of money, especially large families, to go from point A to B when they could drive, take the train or bus, or fly (if international) and save money. With that said, I believe the commercial space flight will remain a routine escapade for those who can afford it, but will eventually transpire into a mere ‘bucket list’ thing to do for other civilians that are not as monetarily fortune. As I said, even if the cost per seat was lessened to $10,000 and/or a family package discount was established, most people would only be willing to spend that type of money for a ‘once in a life-time’ experience. 

4) What are the qualifications to work in the space tourism industry  - either from the pilot or the management perspective? This may require some research, perhaps even making a phone call.

The current qualifications to work in the space tourism industry as a pilot surprised me as they were more interesting than those for management personnel. I also found the pilot qualifications to be much more strenuous than those of an airline pilot, for obvious reasons. The basic qualifications established by the FAA for an individual to work as a pilot in the space tourism industry are that they must possess a current FAA certificate with an instrument ration in addition to a current Class 1 medical certificate (Goehlich et al., 2013). Additionally, space tourism operators have an extreme preference for pilots that have experience and training in aircraft operation while wearing a pressurized suit in high-altitude environments (since it is akin to suborbital flight). In other words, to satisfy this qualification, space tourism operators would like pilots to have previous military fighter jet experience. Thorough experience and training in emergency procedures and crew coordination is yet another qualification these operators have established. However, because this industry deals with and operates in high-altitude and suborbital flight at higher speeds, space tourism operators have a strong preference for military fighter jet pilots because they tend to have more experience with expeditious, rational decision-making at higher speeds and less time (as opposed to an airline pilot) (Goehlich et al., 2013).

In addition to possessing at least an FAA certificate with an instrument rating, Class 1 medical certificate, the knowledge, experience, and skills to fly an aircraft, pilots interested in space tourism flight must enhance their academic background by taking additional courses to learn about suborbital flight in efforts to ensure proficiency. Successful completion of the following courses are required and considered basic academic qualifications: Advanced aerodynamics, rocket mechanics, aerospace physiology, high-altitude operations, ballistic flight, re-entry procedures, navigation, powerless flight, and emergency procedures (relating to suborbital operation) (Goehlich et al., 2013). Possessing a thorough understanding of all the courses previously mentioned is essential for all pilots seeking to become involved in space tourism because they are necessary to ensure the safety of the crew, passengers, and the non-participating public.

According to Goehlich et al., (2013), pilots interested in the space tourism industry must also qualify with respects to their piloting skill set(s), which is tested and honed through hands-on experience (in an actual aircraft) to simulate suborbital flight. As with anything, practice makes perfect, and when dealing with the new suborbital flight environment and aircraft, pilots must meet the qualifications and successfully master the three phases of suborbital flight, which are boost, re-entry, and glide (Goehlich et al., 2013). Of these three previously mentioned phases, the boost phase is the most dangerous; consequently, it requires the most pilot training and proficiency, thus it is considered a necessary qualification.

Therefore, although the FAA says all a pilot looking to work within the space tourism industry needs is an instrument rating, Class 1 medical certificate, and sufficient aircraft operation knowledge, the fact is that the private space operators are truly looking for experienced military fighter pilots because of their discipline, ‘seasoned’ skill set, previous physiological training and endurance, and decreased environmental acclimation time.


Antczak, J. (2004). Space tourism industry faces safety hurdles. The Union-Turbine. Retrieved from
Carrington, D. (2013). What does a $250,000 ticket to space with Virgin Galactic actually buy you?. CNN Travel. Retrieved from
Dinerman, T. (2015). 2016 could be the year space tourism takes off. Observer. Retrieved from
Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). (2016). New regulations govern private human space flight requirements for crew and space flight participants. Office of Commercial Space Transportation. Retrieved from
Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). (2016). Regulations. Office of commercial space transportation. Retrieved from
Goehlich, R. A., Anderson, J. K., Harrold, N. N., Bemis, J. A., Nettleingham, M. T., Cobin, J. M., … Ilchena, N. Y. (2013). Pilots for space tourism. Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University. Retrieved from
Wall, M. (2011). First space tourist: how a U.S. millionaire bought a ticket to orbit. Private Spaceflight. Retrieved from
Wall, M. (2011). Giant leaps: biggest milestones of human spaceflight. Spaceflight. Retrieved from

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

The Current Status & Applicability of UAS/UAVs

Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) are frequently in the news, most often for their military applications or the random story of a college experiment gone wrong, which inadvertently placed a UAV in controlled airspace. However, rumor has it that their practical application in the civilian world is becoming more of a possibility. Please answer the following questions for this week's topic:

1) What civilian purpose, if any, are UAVs currently being used for in United States? How are these civilian UAVs currently regulated (if they are regulated)? What are some of the details of the regulations that apply to the commercial use of UAVs?

The primary civilian purpose that UAVs currently serve in the United States is mere recreation/private use. Most civilians that purchase small drones (UAVs) are hobbyists and/or aviation enthusiast seeking a challenge or enjoyment from flying them. Furthermore, said civilians are utilizing their recreational UAV/drone usage for personal photography of their property (or the environment) and/or aerial videos to create personal montages (Wingfield 2016). Therefore, the only civilian purpose UAVs currently serve are recreation, leisure, or sport, which gives aviation enthusiast, hobbyists, ‘gear-heads’, or children (to a certain extent) the opportunity to actively partake in aviation by means of ‘piloting’ the UAVs.

However, there has been a significant increase in civilian drone/UAV pilots wanting to become involved in aiding fire/rescue crews with emergency service missions. Albeit the area of emergency service is technically classified as ‘commercial’ use, the fact that civilian drone operators are seeking to ‘volunteer’ their expertise and skills regarding UAVs/drones on such missions warrants the inclusion of this topic in ‘civilian use’. In order for a civilian (and their drone/UAV) to participate in emergency service missions such as fighting wildfires or mountainous search and rescue missions, they must file a ‘333 exemption’ with the FAA. If the exemption is approved by the FAA, then that means said civilian has FAA permission (i.e. clearance) to participate, but are not authorized to do so as there may be additional rules/regulations that need to be conferred first (largely dependent upon the risk, location, and severity of the particular mission) (Popper 2016). According to Popper (2016), there is a drone pilot who utilizes his own fleet of UAVs to render aerial services, but has not transformed his fleet/services into a business opportunity, which denotes that there is another potential purpose (aside from recreation) these drones/UAVs can serve while under civilian operation as long as the proper documentation with the FAA is provided.

FAR Part 107 explains all the rules pertaining to small-unmanned aircraft, which means the FAA is regulating civilian UAVs. For a civilian to own and operate a drone/UAV, they must first register said drone on a national database regulated by the FAA. Doing so allows the drone and its operator to be tracked in the event of an accident/incident involving the drone as well as for other regulatory purposes (Wingfield 2016). Furthermore, when registering the drone, the operator must submit their name(s), home address, and email address in addition to reading and signing multiple disclosures, which signifies the operator understands the rules/regulations of operating the drone/UAV and will abide by them. When operating recreationally, the FAA has created an all-encompassing set of regulations to make attaining and operation of UAVs (for civilians) easy, yet safe. While flying for recreation, a civilian does not need a pilot certificate, but if their drone is over 0.55lbs, then the drone/UAV must be registered within the database previously mentioned. Furthermore, the FAA states the operator must remain at least 5 miles outside of any airport (unless they have contacted and sought approval from airport ATC prior to). Lastly, the drone/operator must always yield the right of way to manned aircraft, and during flight, the operator must always maintain a visual-line-of-sight with their drone/UAV (Federal Aviation Administration [FAA], 2016). In regards to the state level, several states have passed and implemented their own laws to govern drone/UAV usage to increase and maintain safety. Some of these laws prohibit drone/UAV operators from flying their drone in parks, neighborhoods, school zones, and over churches in efforts to protect civilians in the event the drone/UAV fails (i.e. increase the safety of the general public) (Wingfield 2016). Thus, not only must civilian drone/UAV operators abide by the regulations established by the FAA, but they must also follow all the laws implemented by their state (if applicable).

The rules/regulations governing the commercial utilization of drones/UAVs is stricter than that of civilian or recreational use because of the increased risk of safety associated with commercial operations. According to the FAA (2016), in order for a drone/UAV to be used for commercial purposes (i.e. work/business), the operator must be at least 16 years old, pass an FAA-approved knowledge test, and be vetted by TSA (i.e. have a thorough background check conducted). The drone/UAV being utilized by said operator must be less than 55lbs and registered with the FAA via their UAV/drone database. While operating the drone/UAV for commercial purposes, the operator must operate in Class G airspace, keep the aircraft in visual-line-of-sight, fly under 400 feet, fly only during the day (i.e. VFR), maintain speeds at or below 100mph, always yield the right of way to manned aircraft, and must not fly over people or fly from a moving vehicle (FAA 2016). Thus, to operate a drone/UAV for commercial purposes, there is a more thorough vetting process (to verify operator integrity) as well as more rigorous regulations to abide by to increase and maintain a high level of safety to circumvent incidents/accidents, subsequently protecting the general public.

2) Do you foresee UAVs integrating into the NAS? If so, how? Also, what problems do you foresee resulting from this? Be sure to include not only logistical problems, but also potential perception problems.

Yes, I do foresee UAVs integrating into the NAS because of the fact that there will be civilian and commercial utilization of the drones/UAVS, therefore there will be a need for airspace specific regulations to be set forth to ensure and maintain air transport safety, especially of manned aircraft. To facilitate a smooth and seamless transition for the integration of UAVs to the NAS, the Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS) Integration in the National Airspace System (NAS) project, or UAS in the NAS, was created. The purpose of this project was to reduce all the technical barriers pertaining to the safety and operational challenges related to UAVs/drone being operated within the various facets of the NAS (National Aeronautics and Space Administration [NASA], 2014). To ensure all aspects and parameters of the UAS integration were covered, NASA broke their project down into five focus areas, which were separation assurance, communications, human systems integration, certification, and integrated tests and evaluation. Separation assurance pertains to the safe separation of unmanned aircraft from manned aircraft when operating throughout the NAS; communications covers the various command and control systems governing the radio frequencies to ensure safe operation of the UAS; human systems integration considers possible human factors issues relative to ground stations overseeing the UAS operated in the NAS in addition to factors within UAS operators; certification standards were needed for UAS avionics to ensure and maintain UAS airworthiness and; integrated tests and evaluation would be given to determine UAS technology viability in terms of safety and beneficence (both financially and logistically) (NASA 2014). Through these five parameters, I foresee the integration of UAS into the NAS occurring in a rather expeditious fashion.

Currently, the FAA regulations pertaining to the operation of UAVs/drones states that civilians (i.e. those operating UAVs for recreational use) may operate their drones wherever as long as they are remain 5 miles outside of airport airspace and are not flying over other civilians or public areas (e.g. parks, schools, etc.). Commercial operators must operate their UAV/drone within Class G airspace, remain under 400 feet, only fly in VFR weather, and remain at or below 100mph (FAA 2016). With that said, UAVs have integrated into the NAS system with the help of the UAS in NAS integration project coupled with the diligent efforts of the FAA. This integration has manifested itself in the form of FAR Part 107, which allows UAVs and their operators to fly within Class G airspace (depending upon if they are operating recreationally or commercially).

As with any integration of new technology, there are bound to be problems, delays, and/or mishaps. With the integration of UAS into the NAS, I foresee a few problems, of which primarily stem from the improper use of UAS by operators (both advert- and inadvertently) to issues associated with the negative public perception of air safety.

With the UAS technology being relatively new, there will be a lot of ‘hype’ towards becoming certified and showing off piloting skills by flying a UAV/drone, which can lead to an increased risk of operator error (ergo, pose a logistical problem). This risk of operator error will be less likely to occur with operators who already possess prior pilot certificates and aviation knowledge, but the real risk lies with those who are new to the aviation field and are attempting their first ‘flight’ via UAS operation. Novice operators tend to have less working knowledge of the FARs and of aircraft in general, subsequently they are more likely to pose a logistical threat to other UAVs, manned aircraft, civilians, etc., by breaking airspace regulations (or the state laws pertaining to UAVs). Violating controlled airspace is a big ‘no-no’ with the FAA (as many experienced aviation professionals know) that can have serious repercussions. Thus, the creation and/or amendment of current consequences (e.g. letters of investigation/warning, certificate action, civil penalties, etc.), may be necessary to ensure fair/equal disciplinary action is imposed upon novice operators, of which posses another logistical problem since regulation and ramification revisions take time, effort, and personnel.

Additionally, as with any new technology, there are bound to be ‘bugs’ or ‘glitches’ in the system, or in this case avionics, that will not be known until they reveal themselves during operation by either malfunctioning and/or crashing. This, coupled with the UAS craze that will bring novice operators poses a notable threat to civilian safety. The public is already skeptical of individuals utilizing UAS as ‘peeping toms’ and for other malicious purposes, but if they also believe these drones will/can fall out of the sky or self-destruct for no apparent reason, then there will be an immense adverse perception of safety conveyed by the general public towards aviation, the FAA, and UAS operators. Individuals that utilize UAVs for malicious purposes (i.e. rogue operators) are inevitable; therefore, we must take the good with the bad. However, I feel as if no matter how many or how thorough UAS regulations are, or how many real-world safety or emergency applications UAS have, there will always be a slight negative perception by the public because they are cognizant of individuals utilizing these UAS for the wrong reasons.

3) As for the military application of UAVs, how have they transformed military strategy? Has their integration been efficient (consider all aspects - from financial to ethical)?

The military application of UAVs has transformed military strategy in a positive, holistic fashion, subsequently enhancing the safety of soldiers by lessening their exposure to risks and hazardous situations. One of the most important aspects of military strategy that has been significantly improved is surveillance, which has been facilitated by the increase of utilization and survivability of UAS. With the viability of increased surveillance via UAS, the opportunity to implement enhanced long-range weapons, communications, and monitoring of special interest groups is a real possibility (Wilson 2014). Therefore, by utilizing tools and resources that have longer-range capability, the UAS conducting these dangerous missions will assume all the risk, meaning less soldiers will be exposed to said risk, consequently improving their safety.

Furthermore, the UAS have additional military applications that have not only enhanced the safety our military and soldiers, but have subsequently made military operations such as surveillance (monitoring), security, search and rescue, etc., more efficient (with respects to both financial and ethical efficiency). Increased efficiency constitutes less money being spent, the ability to allocate time towards other operations, and increased safety. For instance, in regards to the area of military monitoring, a UAS can be sent in to monitor and/or collect air or soil samples (for pollution evaluation) as opposed to sending a soldier into hazardous (health) conditions (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Systems Association [UAVSA], 2017). Sending a drone/UAV to conduct such an operation that would be adverse to one’s health benefits the military from both an ethical and financial aspect. The ethical perspective is applicable because the individual giving the orders will not feel guilty for sending a solider to conduct a mission that could potentially harm his/her health (severely) since a UAS will be sent in their place. Moreover, if said soldier were sent to collect a sample and consequently sustained respiratory damage from polluted air, then the military would be responsible for paying the health expenses pertaining to the individual/incident. However, this would not be a factor if an UAS was utilized instead, thereby saving a significant amount of money on medical expenses, which is money that can be used to improve other facets of the military.
Therefore, I feel as if the integration and the application of UAS into the military has transformed the military strategy for the better with respects to improvements in their strategic planning, tactical operations, long-range capabilities (e.g. communications, surveillance, and weaponry), and safety. Utilizing UAS for dangerous and high-risk missions has indefinitely allowed for a more efficient and effective operation of the military regarding ethical and financial decisions.

4) Finally, do some research and find out if their are UAV jobs that are advertised for civilians (both flight and management students). If so, include this as your link. If you are unable to locate a job posting, reference your above answers to brainstorm the potential for types of UAV jobs in the future.

Most of the UAV/UAS job postings I found were related in some way, shape, or form to the military, specifically, the National Guard and the Army. This means that in order to apply and/or be offered employment, you must be affiliated with that particular branch of the military, and not just a civilian. However, I was able to find two UAV/UAS jobs that were specifically tailored to civilians and collegiate-aged students (applicable to both aviation flight and management students).

The two UAS/UAV job advertisements I found are as follows:

1.     Position: Drone Pilot
Location: Philadelphia, PA
Employer: Dronegenuity, LLC
Link to job posting:

2.     Position: UAS Pilot/Integrator
Location: Ann Arbor, MI
Employer: SkySpecs
Link to job posting:

Although it was difficult to find civilian based UAV/UAS jobs, most aviation departments, flight schools, and/or administrators/directors send links for various industry jobs to the student body, which (flight/management) students who are seeking employment within the UAS/UAV sector may find helpful.


Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). (2016). Fly for work/business. Federal Aviaiton Administration. Retrieved from
Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). (2016). Unmanned aircraft systems. Federal Aviation Administration. Retrieved from
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). (2014). NASA Armstrong fact sheet: unmanned aircraft systems integration in the national airspace system. NASA. Retrieved from
Popper, B. (2016). Hundreds of civilian drone pilots are signing up to fly emergency service missions. The Verge. Retrieved from
Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Systems Association (UAVSA). (2017). Military UAS applications. Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Systems Associations. Retrieved from
Wilson, J.R. (2014). The future of military unmanned aircraft. Military & Aerospace Electronics. Retrieved from

Wingfield, N. (2016). A field guide to civilian drones. The New York Times. Retrieved from