Monday, March 27, 2017

Aviation Organizations

The topic is Aviation Organizations. Please answer the following questions: 

Do not use AOPA or ALPA in your answers.

1.     What associations will it be important to belong to when you are employed and engaged on your career path?  Identify at least two organizations. 

Two associations that will be important to belong to when I am employed and engaged on my aviation management and/or flight career path are the Michigan Association of Airport Executives (MAAE) and the National Business Aviation Association (NBAA).

2.     Research the associations that you identified. Discuss the mission and functions of each association. 3. Also discuss the role of these organizations in the overall industry, including their support for other sectors of the industry.

The mission/goal of the MAAE is to assist airport executives in fulfilling their responsibilities to the airports and communities they serve. The MAAE was founded in 1949, to represent airport management throughout Michigan (Michigan Association of Airport Executives [MAAE], 2017). The MAAE has been in constant pursuit of fulfilling its mission since its inception in 1949. According to MAAE (2017), the MAAE has primarily facilitated the accomplishment of their mission of assisting airport executives and their respective airports and communities through the continual development of various methods, of which aid Michigan-based airports in  developing expertise and leadership within their respective organizations. Additionally, by representing the state of Michigan at national association meetings, the MAAE works to ensure the regional needs of its members are addressed and acknowledged by governing bodies (MAAE 2017). Subsequently, the MAAE further accomplishes their mission of assisting Michigan-based airport executives with their various responsibilities bestowed upon them by the communities they serve through representation on a national level.

As mentioned previously, the primary mission or goal of the MAAE is to assist airport executives in fulfilling their responsibilities to the airports and communities they serve (MAAE 2017). However, according to the MAAE (2017), the MAAE was also established for the purpose of increasing the use and improving the facilities and services of Michigan airports. The MAAE facilitates this increase and improvement of various facilities and services provided by Michigan airports through four essential functions. These four functions are as follows: 1. Provide a medium for the exchange of ideas, methods, information, and experience for the operation of airports; 2. Promote and encourage the passing of legislation (both State and Federal), for the good of aviation; 3. Cooperate with the FAA and Michigan Aeronautics Commission in achieving their programs/goals for aviation and; 4. Promote and encourage better relations between airports and their users (MAAE 2017).

Since the MAAE offers membership to airport executives (or managers) from large, medium, and small airports, the four previously mentioned functions of the MAAE benefit and/or support the aviation industry in its entirety, but more specifically, the commercial and general aviation sectors. This benefit and support to the aviation industry is primarily facilitated in the form of memberships, which are open to all Michigan airports. The MAAE offers an ‘Airport Membership’, which allows each airport to appoint as many members as they please. The appointed members under said membership must include individuals who exercise active responsibility for the management, general superintendence, operation, or administration of an airport within the state of Michigan (MAAE 2017). The dues associated with an ‘Airport Membership’ are contingent upon its size and are broken down by category. The dues for a large hub (or commercial airport) are $3000, a medium hub is $1500, a small hub is $1000, non-hub is $600, an Essential Air Service (EAS) is $500, a large General Aviation (GA) airport is $500, and a small GA airport is $200 (MAAE 2017).

Additionally, the MAAE offers a ‘Corporate Membership’, which is open to both public or private corporations and individuals who are engaged in at least one of the following activities: Development or maintenance of an airport, the manufacture of sale of aircraft, aviation fuel, air navigation facilities, and/or equipment or materials used in the establishment of operation of an airport (MAAE 2017). The membership dues associated with the ‘Corporate Membership’ are based of the number of employees within said corporate organization. Specifically, if the organization consist of over 50 employees the cost is $600, under 50 employees is $300, and if the organization classifies as an Association and/or Government Agency, then the cost is $100 (MAAE 2017). Needless to say, this specific membership is meant to benefit and support the corporate/business (i.e. General Aviation) sector of the industry as opposed to the ‘Airport Membership’, which tends to provide a more direct benefit to the larger, commercial sector. The main disadvantage of this membership is that corporate members do not retain voting rights, while those holding an ‘Airport Membership’ do.

Now that I have outlined the two types of memberships offered by the MAAE and briefly explained their purpose, I can expound upon how the MAAE benefits and supports other sectors of the industry, especially the commercial and GA sectors. Being a member of the MAAE Membership allows both commercial and GA airport executives (or managers) such as those from Willow Run or Detroit Metropolitan to attend various conferences/seminars pertaining to the growth and development of Michigan Airports. Consequently, by attending said seminars, the attendees are able to converse with other airport executives and managers who share similar  responsibilities, and learn from their mistakes and experiences in efforts to better their respective (commercial or GA) airport, and subsequent industry sector. The MAAE typically holds two conferences/seminars per year, namely the Michigan Airport Conference and the MAAE Annual Fall Conference. The Michigan Airport Conference is co-sponsored with the MDOT and the Office of Aeronautics. According to the MAAE (2017), the Michigan Airport Conference provides an excellent opportunity for airport management staff, consultants, sponsors, and vendors to address issues concerning airport operations and administration. The MAAE Annual Fall Conference provides an excellent opportunity for Airport Managers, FAA, and State Office Aeronautics representatives, airport engineers, consultants, and airport equipment to meet, exchange ideas, and discuss problems and solutions facing Michigan airports (MAAE 2017). Both conferences benefit and support the commercial and GA sectors of aviation because they allow for executives and managers from both sectors to convene in a centralized location to discuss potential issues/problems, and more importantly, exchange viable solutions to said problems affecting the commercial and GA sectors. Furthermore, these conferences also include employees from prominent authoritative bodies such as the FAA, who oversee all aviation sectors. Since the FAA is an attendee at these conferences, they can provide specific attention, answers, and guidance to the various problems encountered by the executives from the commercial and GA airports.

Thus, the MAAE plays a monumental role in the industry overall, especially with respects to the Michigan-based commercial and GA sectors. The MAAE fulfills this role by offering membership to commercial, corporate, and GA airports/operations. This allows said organizations to enhance their operation, attain specified funding, and attend various seminars/conferences where they can receive assistance from governing officials (e.g. FAA) to address, combat, and implement corrective action to potential issues or problems facing all (e.g. commercial or GA) airports, ultimately improving their sectors.

The mission of the NBAA is to foster an environment that allows business aviation to thrive in the United States and around the world (National Business Aviation Association [NBAA], 2017). According to the NBAA (2017), the NBAA is the leading organization for companies that rely on GA aircraft to help make their business more efficient, productive and successful. Furthermore, since its founding in 1947, the NBAA has represented more than 11,000 companies and provided more than 100 products/services to the business (corporate) aviation sector.

The numerous functions provided on behalf of the NBAA are primarily focused on the promotion and enhancement of general aviation, specifically business (corporate) aviation. That said, the NBAA provides three essential functions to the business aviation sector. The first of function of the NBAA is to settle issues associated with business operations airspace access, airport utilizations, and aircraft noise. Additionally, the NBAA has focused their attention on and directed their efforts to settle prevalent issues pertaining to (business) aviation safety, operational efficiency, fair and equal (airport and airspace) access, FAA reform, nose and compatible land use, and several other issues (NBAA 2017). According to the NBAA (2017), the second function the NBAA provides is the discussion and management of prominent international issues such as international aviation policy as well as the improvement and standardization of global air traffic systems. The third, and final function of the NBAA is the collection, interpretation, and dissemination of operational and managerial data related to the safe, efficient, and cost-effective use of business aircraft within the GA sector (NBAA 2017). Analyzing said data empowers the NBAA to further identify and understand the continuously on-going advancements in (aviation) technology and procedures (e.g. NextGen) that could have a potential impact (either positive or negative) within the business (general) aviation sector.

The NBAA prides itself on serving the Business Aviation community since its inception in 1947, therefore it is not surprising to know the organization has been a monumental factor in making business/corporate aviation as prominent and significant as we know it to be today. That said, the NBAA does not possess a defined role within other industry sectors nor does it support other sectors because the NBAA is business aviation specific. The only role the NBAA has is to emphasize, promote, and sustain the viability of the business sector. However, in doing so, the NBAA also provides a strong sense of support for GA overall because business aviation is housed under GA. Subsequently, the NBAA aids in the perpetuation, enhancement, and viability of GA, which is one of the major (and more commonly used) facets of the industry, alongside commercial and military aviation.

3.     Discuss why is it important for you to belong to these associations.

Generally speaking, it is important for me to belong to these associations because they can provide various opportunities for employment and/or internships, offer career insight (from aviation-employed professionals), and allow me to network with aviation professionals who are where I am striving to be. Furthermore, by belonging to these two associations, I will not only be able to expand my network and make more (aviation) connections, but I will also be able to learn about more opportunities (some of which are membership exclusive) and attend various conferences/seminars to enhance my aviation (and general) knowledge. Additionally, belonging to these associations is important because being a member of them demonstrates that I am an active participant within the aviation industry, thereby denoting a keen interest in the aviation industry’s viability and long-term growth.
As an undergraduate student pursuing a degree in Aviation Management, it is important for me to belong to the MAAE organization because it promotes the professional development of both members and students who are actively engaged in the study of airport administration (or management) (MAAE 2017). The MAAE accomplishes this promotion and encouragement of aviation/airport management students through the use of free student memberships and several scholarship opportunities, which are MAAE member exclusive. Additionally, it is important I be a part of the MAAE because I can receive discounted (if not free) admission to the conferences and seminars hosted by the MAAE. It is at these conferences and seminars where I will have the opportunity to network, connect, and talk to airport executives and managers who may have a vacancy and/or internship opportunity within their organization that I would not be cognizant of otherwise.
As an undergraduate student pursuing a degree in Aviation Management, it is important for me to belong to the NBAA because they are an instrumental factor in the sustainability and promotion of business (corporate) aviation, which is where I plan to begin my flight career. Additionally, it is important I belong to the NBAA because they offer a vast amount of scholarship and internship opportunities to students (like myself). Specifically, the internship opportunities can provide me with the vital and necessary (business) or general aviation experience to either transfer into a permanent (i.e. full-time) position within the NBAA, or with an akin aviation organization. Furthermore, the NBAA offers numerous volunteer and career opportunities that I could take advantage of as a member, thereby allowing me to network with other business aviation professionals in efforts to perpetuate and/or solidify my aviation career. Since the NBAA is one of the most substantial and notable organizations within the sector of GA, being a member would indefinitely speak volumes regarding my knowledge of and commitment not only to the business sector, but to GA and the industry overall.

Therefore, it is important for me to belong to the MAAE and NBAA because of the discounted (and/or free) memberships they offer to students pursuing an aviation-related degree, the numerous scholarship and internship opportunities available, and the ability to expand my professional (aviation) network through the attendance of organization-specific conferences and seminars. It is also important to belong to these associations because they tend to ‘standout’ on a resume/CV, and more times than not, the employer (or individual reviewing my credentials) will also belong to these aviation organizations (if not more). Thus, belonging to not only these aviation organizations, but others as well will increase my chances of attaining an interview and/or employment because they denote commitment to and knowledge of the various facets/sectors, which compose the industry as a whole.

Michigan Association of Airport Executives (MAAE). (2017). About us. MAAE. Retrieved from
Michigan Association of Airport Executives (MAAE). (2017). Conference information. MAAE. Retrieved from
Michigan Association of Airport Executives (MAAE). (2017). Membership information. MAAE. Retrieved from
Michigan Association of Airport Executives (MAAE). (2017). Scholarship opportunities. MAAE. Retrieved from
Michigan Association of Airport Executives (MAAE). (2017). Welcome, members, and guests, to the Michigan Association of Airport Executives official website. MAAE. Retrieved from
National Business Aviation Association (NBAA). (2017). About NBAA. NBAA. Retrieved from
National Business Aviation Association (NBAA). (2017). NBAA history. NBAA. Retrieved from 

1 comment:

  1. I agree fully with the fact that organizations can not only help to promote your field, but also can extend your circle of contacts and may down the road create better opportunities for your career. I was going to include in my blog some of the charities that help to promote aviation, like Operation Good Cheer, Young Eagles, etc, however I went the route of being a person that wanted to help further my career.
